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For Chrome users:

  1. Click Print.

  2. In your browser's pop-up window, navigate to the field labeled Destination.

  3. Click the dropdown under Destination, and select Save as PDF.


For Safari users:

  1. Click Print.

  2. In your browser's pop-up window, navigate to the dropdown labeled PDF.

  3. Click the dropdown menu, and select Save as PDF.

  4. In the pop-up window that appears, enter a file name you would like to save the PDF as, and select the location where you would like to save the PDF.

  5. Click Save.


For Edge users:

  1. Click Print.

  2. In your browser's pop-up window, navigate to the field labeled Printer.

  3. Click the dropdown menu under Printer, and select Save as PDF.

  4. Click Save.
