Broker/Public Open Houses/Broker Tours/Caravans
Click Broker/Public Open Houses or Broker/Public Open Houses/Broker Tours/Caravans under Daily Functions to find listings that have public open houses scheduled or listings that are on an upcoming broker open house. If available in your MLS, you can also search for upcoming broker tours/caravans.

Find an Broker/Public Open House or Broker Tour/Caravan
Choose the type of event that you want to find and specify a date range. The default date range is one week, starting from today’s date. You can filter the results by using a saved search, a quick search, or an office. Click Next to proceed.
A list of upcoming events will be displayed. Click on an MLS number to open that listing’s full report.

Click the Select checkbox for listings that you are interested in. Then use the buttons at the bottom of the page to perform the following tasks:
Map Selected - View the listings on a map.
Create Reports - Create a full listing report using any standard or custom report available to your MLS.
Send to Search Results - View the listings on a search results page. If no listings are selected, all listings will be displayed on the search results page.
To print the listings, click Print at the top of the page.
The following labels have been updated in Flexmls:
Tour of Homes is now labeled Broker Open House.
Open House is now labeled Public Open House.
Broker Tour is now labeled Broker Tour/Caravan. This is an MLS setting if your MLS uses tours.