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Add Your Listing to a Broker Tour/Caravan

This topic explains how to add one of your listings to a broker tour/caravan, if available in your MLS. Agents can add their listings to broker tours, but only broker tour/caravan administrators can create new broker tours.

  1. Click Change Listing under Add/Change on the menu.

  2. Enter an MLS number or select a listing from the My Listings list.

  3. Click Broker Tours/Caravans (formerly called Broker Tours) under Scheduled Marketing Activities to open the Broker Tours/Caravans page. Enter a date range and click Go to see tours in that range.

    The Broker Tours/Caravans page includes the date and time of the broker tour/caravan, the starting location, the cutoff date to add listings to the tour, the number of listings currently on the tour, and the tour status.

  4. To add a listing to a broker tour/caravan, click the Add Listing to Tour link on an available, incomplete tour.

  5. Type your comments about the listing and click Next to save.